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Crystal Pendant Necklaces

Crystal Pendant Necklaces

Product Details

What is it used for: Jewelry, positive energy, energy healing, assessory 


Chakra pendants are positive energy healing crystals. Everything you see around you is a vibration. We are all made of energy. These are great for shifting negative energy into positive ones. Each have their own healing properties. Buy it for yourself or simply give it to someone as a gift. Perfect for anyone and any occasion. 


Crystal Stone Type and Chakra Properties: 


Rose Quartz - is the love crystal. When you think of unconditional love, think of rose quartz.

As a result, rose quartz is very much a crystal of the heart and for the heart chakra. If you are looking for love, set your intention, wear the rose quartz necklace where ever you go and set the intention of finding your soulmate. You can also place rose quartz around your home. It is used to balance emotions and bring peace and calm. This calm emotional balance brings stress relief and easing of anxiety, carry energies of forgiveness, tolerance, and compassion to the fore, enabling us to see the good in both ourselves and others. Associated with the Heart Chakra.



Tigers Eye - a stone of protection and good luck to the wearer. It is a manifestation stone. It also has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety. The metaphysical properties are associated with the solar plexus chakra and the third chakra in a system of seven. As the energy center that governs personal power and confidence, Tiger’s Eye helps to clear any imbalances from this chakra, leaving you feeling like the most powerful, confident version of yourself. 


Opalite is actually a man-made stone that's easily one of the highest energy crystals you can find. It’s a beautiful white/blue color. Opalite helps you see life with optimism and curiosity and be more laid back and go with the flow. It also casts out negativity with its positive and warm energy. Can aid with shifting your mood to uplifting and happy. A stone for new beginnings and clarity. Associated with the Crown and Third Eye Chakra.



GreenAventurine is a magical stone for opportunity, luck, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth. Promotes healing of the physical body. Can energetically protect gardens and homes and encourages compassionate behavior. Is a stone of love and gratitude. Associated with the Heart Chakra.


Amethyst is said to offer protection, spiritual wisdom, and stress relief. Helps to bring calmness and clarity to the mind, while promoting healing and selflessness. It is an excellent stone for meditation. Associated with the Third Eye and Crown Chakra.


Clear or Rainbow Quartza power stone and one of the most magical stones on earth, that harmonizes and balances. It augments energy by absorbing, amplifying, and balancing. The meaning of Clear Quartz is healing and spiritual growth. Associated with the Crown Chakra however balances all 7 Chakras.




    Crystal Chakra Jewelry
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