The Magic - 28 Days of Gratitude By Rhonda Byrne
Has anyone read this book. This book is where most of my outlooks started to change to more positive thoughts and outcomes. It is a 28 day gratitude practice where each day you focus on a subject whether it be relationships, money or health. By doing so and not only journaling it but by feeling it and visualizing it most of what you journal and focus on will change for the better. So try it, search for this book today!!
Day 1 of the 28 Day Gratitude Journey will look like this: Spend sometime thinking about your goals what do you want in every aspect of your life: health/body, career/work, money, relationships, personal desires, and so on. Write your goals down, be clear on exactly what you want.
Then you will make a list of 10 things you are truly grateful for within each subject. State why you are grateful for each item and read your list, and at each item repeat thank you, thank you, thank you for ??? And feel the emotion of pure gratitude
Example: I am truly happy and grateful for________, because_______.
I think this is a fantastic book for anyone wanting to be more positive and bring about more positive desires and outcomes.