Some may or may not be aware of the cosmic energy shifts we have been experiencing lately. In the past few months, thousands of people have reported stomach pain, aches, restlessness during the night, anxiety, heart palpitations and so much more. Even going to the hospital and doctors’ offices and coming out with no diagnosis found. Well, we have been receiving massive shifts lately and all beings on earth are experiencing it in different forms. We are now in the midst of a global awakening. This is the time for healing all traumas and emotions of negative natures that no longer serve you. It’s time to take a deep breath and slow down the craziness we experience in our daily lives, physically and emotionally. Keep your thoughts clean and our vibration high as we surf the wave of energy that is flooding the earth right now. We are now on the path of releasing the negative energies that have left us feeling stuck or held us back. Get in some time for yourself this month, meditate, meditation is the greatest stress reliever and when you tune out and tap into what the Universe is saying to you it balances your energies and provides more clarity. You can take a bath, soak in a bath of Epson salt and relax, this will help you recharge your energy. Grounding is the best way to recharge as well, walk through a park, lie on the ground, get barefooted on the earth. Google benefits of earthing. To work on yourself on a deeper level, book a session with me and lets get started on releasing stagnant energy so you can move forward with a clearer mental and physical state.
With Much Love