What is Astral Travel or Out of Body Experience?
Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is a phenomenon in which a person's consciousness or soul separates from their physical body and travels to the astral plane. The astral plane is the realm outside of our physical reality in which beings such as spirits, deities, and other non-physical entities exist, as well as locations that are not accessible in the physical world, such as off planet. The CIA and other government insitutions have used people for spying and remote viewing for a number of years for personal gain, so this is something that is well known within many institutions. And this is a gift that we all possess.
During an astral travel experience, individuals may feel as though they're floating or flying through this astral plane, interacting with other entities, or exploring these otherworldly locations in a non-physical form. These experiences provide spiritual insights and heightened consciousness. This experience can be accompanied by a range of sensations, including feelings of weightlessness, a buzzing or vibrational energy, or a sense of floating or flying. Many of us may remember this feeling as a child, possibly flying through the neighborhood, I am sure we have all done this.
These out of body experiences, or OBE, can occur spontaneously or as a result of intentional practices such as meditation, breathwork, frequency sounds and other astral projection techniques.
Thinking back before I ever stepped into my own healing journey which then led me onto this beautiful spiritual path of finding out the true meaning of being a human being, I had done this many times during childhood and my younger years. I just assumed these were dreams. I had an experience when my father passed and I traveled to another dimension to visit him in a cabin way up in the mountains, that was his thing, living out in nowhere, it was so real, so vivid, I remember it till this day in full detail. Honestly, you must have your own experiences to really know your own truth and inner power. You need to heal aspects of yourself to free up this energy in the body to activate all of these hidden and amazing gifts.
Please check out my services for more information on healing and or healing course to begin your healing journey and spiritual path..
With Much Love
DiVine Awakening Energy healing & Shop LLC
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