The Origins of the Starseed Concept
Contrary to popular belief, the Starseed concept dates back centuries and has been found in various cultures and spiritual beliefs. Many ancient civilizations believed in the existence of beings that came from the stars and possessed magical abilities. The Egyptians believed that their god Horus was an extraterrestrial who came to Earth to impart knowledge and wisdom to the people. The Mayans believed that their gods came to Earth from the Pleiades, a cluster of stars in the Taurus constellation and taught them how to build pyramids and perform complex astronomical calculations. The Dogon people of Mali also believed in extraterrestrial beings called Nommo who came to Earth from the Sirius star system. The Nommo were said to have given the Dogon people knowledge of the universe and the mysteries of creation. So, these long time ancient beliefs in extraterrestrial beings and their influence on human civilization have been the subject of much speculation of course and simply seen as mythical stories.
Modern Interpretation of a Starseed
The belief today is that Starseeds who may be highly evolved souls from other planets or star systems have come to Earth to spread positive energy and help humanity progress spiritually. Basically we have all lived many life times and reincarnate in different forms and on different planets to have this soulful experience. Starseeds on Earth are born here in their Human body however their consciousness is from somewhere else. Within recent years, various spiritual leaders and self-help gurus have embraced the Starseed concept and incorporated it into their teachings. As a result, the term has gained popularity among those who identify with many individuals who have wakened up to the realization that we have been under a mass manipulation for hundreds and possibly thousands of years by our leaders. Many have come to discover and either believe or feel an inner knowing that they themselves are a Starseed and they are here to lead the way, to teach the truth about spirituality, the human body and it’s amazing ability to heal without the interference of everything that we consume that throws our bodies off balance, and by just being here they help raise the collective consciousness of humanity. And while the concept of Starseeds may seem far-fetched to some, one thing is clear, that the idea of extraterrestrial beings and their influence on human civilization has been a part of human culture for centuries. Whether these beliefs are based on actual contact with extraterrestrial beings or are simply the product of human imagination, they continue to capture the imagination of people around the world.
Could You be a Starseed?
Starseeds are souls from various parts of the universe that have chosen to incarnate at this specific moment in time to help this world transition into the New Age of enlightenment however this transition is very often challenging. It involves forgetting who you are, chaos, destruction, pain and devastation. It is the breaking down of an old way in order to make way for a new one. Starseeds can feel like they just don't quite fit in on Earth. They may feel like they are from another planet or star system altogether. They may feel a strong connection to the stars and the cosmos and have a deep fascination with astronomy or astrology and may feel a sense of peace and comfort when gazing up at the night sky. They may also have a feeling of not belonging which can be quite intense and can lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation. Some may be misunderstood by western society and treated with medication and diagnosed with a condition as they are usually over stimulated with other people’s energies and may not understand the true nature of their own energies. There is so much knowledge that we have not been taught and for a reason. Not only starseeds but us as a human race poses many gifts and have an amazing vehicle or body that can mimic any pharmaceutical drug out there to naturally heal the body. But everything we have lies dormant and has been destroyed by our modern way of living, the food we eat that has zero nutrition and the medicine we rely on that is produces with chemicals in a lab. And our complete detachment from nature and the planet.
Many of us have the natural ability to possess psychic abilities such as clairaudiance, clairvoyance, telepathy and more. Starseed may have a heightened sense of intuition and may be able to pick up on things that others can't. Most are highly empathetic and sensitive to the emotions of others. They may be able to feel what others are feeling and may have a strong desire to help those in need.
A few Starseed Types and Unique Qualities
Pleiadian Starseed: The Pleiadian Starsed is one of the most common Starseeds on the planet right now. They come from a cluster of stars called the Pleiades and they exist in what is known as the Fifth Dimension. These are powerful souls and capable of spreading great light to others. Their role is to uplift humanity, share their light with the world and provide knowledge. Some take on a more warrior position and engage in a proactive fight for change.
Sirian Starseeds: have a strong connection to the Sirius star system and possess natural leadership qualities. They may be drawn to positions of power and may have a strong desire to lead and inspire others.
Andromedan Starseeds: said to be highly intuitive and possess advanced healing abilities. They may be drawn to careers in the healing arts and may have a natural talent for energy work.
Arcturian Starseeds: said to be highly intelligent and possess advanced technological knowledge and may be drawn to careers in science or engineering and may have a natural talent for problem-solving.
These are just a few examples but there are many more..
Spiritual Awakening and Ascension
Starseeds are said to play a key role in helping humanity awaken spiritually and attain higher levels of consciousness. They do this by spreading love, healing, and positive energy wherever they go. They are here to help humanity remember their true nature as spiritual beings, and to help them connect with their higher selves. This process of spiritual awakening is a crucial step in the process of ascension, where humanity transitions to a higher spiritual plane or dimention which is basically a higher state of consciousness or awareness. They are also here to help humanity navigate through the challenges and obstacles that come with spiritual awakening. They offer guidance, support, and wisdom to those who are on the path of spiritual growth and evolution.
One thing is for certain, people are waking up, all over the planet. People may call them crazy or conspiracist or some new age cult and may not see what we see or understand but something is happening to the people who are waking up and I am one of them. In my blog’s you can see or read about my personal experiences. Do I believe in extraterrestrials? Absolutely. For one, let’s just use common knowledge that we cannot, in this vast universe and there are thousands of universals but in ours alone, we cannot be the only life that exists. With all the advancements and space programs do you really think they have not stumbled across anything? That’s what they tell us and the reason we are made to disbelieve is because you are a spiritual being. If you understood the deeper concept of what that means, you could not be poisoned and controlled. You need to go down the rabbit hole to understand more about that but we already have been in contact, we have humans living on other planets. We have other races here on our planet and have always been here. There is good and bad in all. Secondly when you learn to have peace within and find that Mind Body Soul connection you then raise your consciousness, and you can see them during meditation or astral traveling or lucid dreaming. They are our angels, we are also angelic beings, they are spirit guides and so much more and they currently and in the past have been working with our military, governments and leaders.
Our job here is to have an experience as a human being but not to be slaves to a system or sick with diseases and illnesses. That all comes from the control system. You need to heal aspects of yourself to tap into these higher states of awareness where you see a bigger picture. And feel joyful and whole.
Check out these services for your own growth and healing journey and feel free to read more of my blogs. Also check out my meditations and TikTok's for a better spiritual understanding of what is happening and who you truly are! You can also follow me on Facebook..
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With Much Love
DiVine Awakening Energy Healing & Shop LLC
Movie suggestion for Energy Healing and the Human Body: The movie Heal found on Amazon Prime
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