Ceremonial Tabacco
Rapé is a legal sacred shamanic medicine that has been used by healers of the Amazon basin for thousands of years. Some benefit of hapé or also known as Rape' or mapacho, is that it opens up the third eye and crown chakra and clears the mind allowing you to be in the present moment and access clearer visions during a session. It gives a sense of clarity and cleansing. It provides a calming, grounding effect on the emotions allowing better focus and it clears negative energies and aids in preparation for intention setting.
Other benefits may include clearing sinuses of mucus and bacteria, thereby helping to combat colds and respiratory ailments. Can help the immune system. It detoxes both the body and mind and clears your energetic field. It can also be used in conjunction with other treatments for addiction and mental illness.
It is administered with a tool called a Tepi
made from bamboo, which is blown through each nostril on both sides. It can also be self-administered using a V-shaped self-applicator pipe known as a ‘kuripe’. The blend is blown high up into the nostrils and into the head where you will feel a stinging sensation that lasts for a few seconds. But then you will feel the clearing sensation in your head. The sensation only lasts for about 15 minutes but the medicine continues to work in the body.
Once you embody any type of plant medicine, the spirit of that medicine will stay with you and you can call upon it when ever you feel the need. Remember plants have spirits too and medicine in its purest form will always work in perfect harmony with the body and is for your greatest and highest good!
Contact Victoria to add this option to a live session.